Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 12

This was my last real week at FHCA. It was a great experience and I am happy that I decided to take it. Nothing really exciting happened at work. I just helped out with a few random projects. I finished my hours on Wednesday. I will go in on Monday and should be offered a part-time job for spring.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week 11

I am working on yet another impossible project. It is a little frustrating but I will do what I have to. They are still not sure if I will get hired part time for the spring while I get my Masters. I really hope they do but they don't seem to be having a lot for me to do so i will understand if they don't. I just wish there were more things I could do there. I am currently trying to find any stimulus money available for plant repairs or generator improvements. I have looked every where but they keep giving me things that are not possible so it makes me look like a bad worker and that is a little disappointing. I wish they would give me a project that I could accomplish. Next week is my last week, unless I work on Monday the week of thanksgiving. We will see how things end. It was still a good experience if nothing more comes out of it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

10th Week

I spent most of my time at work just listening and learning this week, not doing any work. I sat through a committee meeting at the capitol and we had a long meeting about our strategic plan. My boss left the office for meetings all week on Tuesday. I have been in contact with her via email and I have been working on finding information about available stimulus money and information about the Health Reform Bill pertaining to LTC.